Monday, November 30, 2009
Wonder Boys
Similar to Tripp, James Leer is held back by his own story, which he hides from everyone else for fear and criticism and must eventually be pulled out and pushed towards publishing. The publishing of Leer's novel serves to push him out of college, and away from the world academia that Chabon credits for holding back his own as well as Leer's genius. With help from Tripp and Crabtree Leer pushes the envelope and it is implied rewarded for his work, though one can never really know for sure.
As a result of Leer's book, Crabtree seems to motivate himself towards something better in his life, by looking out for Leer and Tripp, while advancing his own profession. Furthermore, Sara leaves her unhappy marriage and pursues Tripp as a result of his new change in heart and unique path. In the end Chabon uses the removal of Tripp's novel as a catalyst to push each individual character down a path that the reader can infer is the right direction.
Wonder Boys
I really enjoyed the film Wonder Boys. I thought the novel was entertaining, but Chabon’s descriptions dragged on unnecessarily. He wrote a very detailed novel, and it was well suited to the big screen. I was worried than the novel was too unrealistic to pull off effectively, but the characters were captivating, and the film actually had a stellar cast.
I also disagree with the assessment of the ending as dubious or out of place with the rest of the story. The story was about a hectic weekend. It was a series of out of control events that were the culmination of bad decisions, many of them made by Grady Tripp. The end of the story was the resolution. The characters in the novel, for their various reasons had wandered from their paths, and the narrative is centered on them finding their way back. If the characters had not finished the novel grounded in a new situation, there would have been no redemption. This would have reduced the story into something meaningless, and turned the characters into caricatures. Tripp is redeemed as a character when he literally and metaphorically lets go of the novel that was holding him back, and does the right thing for the mother of his child. The ending is especially interesting if you view Tripp as an analogue for Chabon himself, and the character’s resolution as Chabon subtextually allowing himself some redemption.
I also think the film contained a clear message about the role of the teacher. Professor Tripp helps his promising writer grad student James Leer become successful. It is important for the end of the story to reveal that the activities of the plot have not been pointless. Tripp's adventure with his student is important because it ultimately helps solve not only Leer's problems, but also Tripp's. That Tripp learns from the experience is an important statement about the relationship between student and teacher.
*LOST POST* RePosting my "Babes in Boyland" Entry that didn't appear
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Is Water the New Oil Lecture
The first segment of the lecture focused on giving listeners background on the big players in the water world. When focused on Suez Water, the largest private water company in the world, we learned about the slave labor used to build the Suez Canal, and an instance where they cut off water in apartheid South Africa to stop a black protest. We learned how Themes water dumps the most untreated wastewater into England’s rivers. Piper showed us how water companies have only grown, swallowed up smaller companies or mergered with other companies, and how most of these companies are linked to Iraq, colonialism, the IMF, and Hitler.
Nearly all of the graphs and figures used were label-less and caption-less. For quotes she would often say whose words they were and have the words on the slide but not their owner. Part of the ethos of presenting evidence is allowing the jurors to evaluate the evidence, but she flipped through graphs and other figures too fast for us to reach our own conclusions, accepting hers by default.
It’s evident Piper intended us to leave her lecture with a vengeance for big corporations and pity for the little man and the developing world. Some of the statements she made must have been things she only wanted us to receive and agree with without thinking about. For example, we were told, “more money flows out of the foreign countries into the world bank than into those countries from the world bank.” Yeah, damn that corrupt institution, taking back more money than it gives out---oh, wait, it’s a BANK, not a charity. That’s what everyone expects it to do. That’s what it was created for.
So far I’ve only showed the bad parts. Here’s a great quote from Thames Water CEO, Peter Spillet: “Clearly people do not understand the value of water and they expect it to fall from the sky and not cost anything.” One report showed that 30% of World Bank projects between 1990 and 2001 listed privatization of water as objectives. Water costs rose 400% in one month in Manilla. The worst cholera epidemic ever in South Africa occurred only 9 years ago when residents who couldn’t pay for water were forced to drink out of the river. When Argentina forced a water company to cease operation, they were sued for 1.7 billion dollars. According to Piper, 80% of California’s water goes to creating feed for the beef industry.
During the Q and A after the presentation, someone asked if there are any good water privatization projects. Piper replied, “Oh there are tons of them” and proceeded to list a few off the top of her head. Without prompting they would have never made it into the lecture. Overall I thought the invocation of Hitler effective and the facts informative. On a topic I generally agreed with, I wish it was presented more fairly.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Year-End Statistical Survey of CMU Students
Rebecca Nathan and the IRA employed different approaches in their studies of college life, but they were trying to answer the same questions. While I was certainly interested in seeing what the data showed from their end of the year survey (their biggest survey which they conduct only every 4 years), I found myself evaluating which method of research yields a richer and more accurate portrait of college life. According to their presentation, the survey was constructed and conducted to answer certain questions. These are the ones I thought were important: How have students experienced growth in their own skills? How satisfied have they been with their academics? What on/off campus extra/co-curricular things do students participate in? To measure students academic and non-academic engagement. What are students’ opinions on university values—how well does the school teach/follow its values, does the student follow them? Nathan’s ethnography also answered many of these questions.
In her book she mentioned the moves she made to make her study morally and academically valid. The one that comes to mind is how she hid her true identity from the students, something which anthropologists by rule do not do even though I know I wouldn’t talk candidly to her knowing she was a teacher from my own school. In this presentation, they explained at length the pre-survey work that goes into clarifying and removing ambiguity from questions, choosing their survey sample and weighing the results to reflect the population as a whole. Lets get back to my evaluation: which method answers their questions better? Surveys have a lot of flaws that aren’t always apparent. Ten people can interpret a survey question or survey answers ten different ways. Allowing a sample to represent a larger population gets even more complicated when certain groups decline the survey more than others. This survey well represented the student body in race, citizenship, class year, but not on gender or college, forcing the surveyors to weigh their data so no groups are under represented. But so many such adjustments must sometimes be made to a sample that by the time you interpret the results, its hard to remember exactly who the results fairly represent. The high esteem we grant culturally to science and math (which carries on to graphs) makes it harder to question and therefore understand data presented on a graph. Take the Inconvenient Truth for example: it uses graphs to create a visual (emotional) reaction, not a logical one. Ethnography on the other hand is much fairer. It doesn’t require meddling and adjusting. Of course it isn’t free of bias, but the bias is all up front. Ethnography relies on anecdotal evidence which we know doesn’t necessarily extend to the greater population. When you recognize that Nathan is able to include certain interviews or quotations and omit others, an ethical fault of someone trying to write an expose, it doesn’t change the reliability of the data because anecdotal evidence doesn’t speak for everyone. But in the end, you know that the individual views expressed are real and valuable while an individual survey response is only valuable if lots of other people agree with it.
Specific results from the presentation: more women report (greater or a higher rate) of maturation than men. Women, minorities, US students say they engage in discussion more than men, majorities, international students, respectively. Students off all demographics report spending more time on classes and homework than social, sports, club activities, and report spending even less time with teachers outside of class. On weeknights, the average student gets 6-7 hours of sleep (a minority gets 4- on one extreme or 9+ on the other extreme hours). Over the weekend however, it is more typical for a student to get nine hours of sleep, 4- hours being the least common.
Back to my rant on surveys. This survey tells us a lot of whats (forgetting our methodology issue), but no whys. For example, why do women report maturing more over college than men? Do men think they started out very mature and therefore reported less, or do men recognize that they have not matured much? What is the reason for this gendered difference? Why do students of certain demographics engage in class discussion more than others? Surveyors can come up with hypotheses to answer these questions, but the survey itself can never answer these ‘why’ questions. In order to do so they put together focus groups to get more detailed answers. The ethnography allows researchers to gain a greater depth of understanding. Why do some international students feel isolated? Amercan sayings such as “see you later” or “how are you” are misleadingly friendly.
I think in the end, although Nathan may have had an agenda, within the constraints of who it actually represents, her book gives us a much deeper understanding of those people’s experience in college. With survey data it is hard to show who it actually represents, and it still only gets us half way to answering the more complicated things we really want to know about students.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I decided to help in the effort on Wednesday, and offered my time from 3:30 pm until 4:00 pm; my last class ended at 3:20. When it came time to get the petition, I walked into the Student Activities in the UC. There, I signed out one of nine clipboards containing three or four petition sheets and a lot of little slips of paper detailing how to get involved past signing your name; these latter included information on which members of the legislature to sent letters and emails to, what addresses they might receive them at, and where to protest the tax further online.
For half an hour, I walked around the UC black chairs and upstairs rotunda area gathering signatures. Many people had already signed a petition, and several didn't want to, but the vast majority of the people I asked were enthusiastic to sign the petition. I ended up collecting around forty signatures, significantly less than I'd imagined, but I did have several good conversations with the other students. The petition had a box in which you could signify whether you'd be wiling to help out further by sending letters to senators and such, and another box asking if you'd like to collect petition signatures. While three out of the forty said "yes" to the former box, not a single one agreed to the latter prospect.
Two students asked if they could read the text of the petition. They wanted to know the specific wording it used and what it was about before appending their names to it. No other student bothered to read the petition; they all trusted me on what it stated, something both slightly comforting and slightly disconcerting.
One student, an Indian sophomore, asked me if he was allowed to sign the partition, not being a United States Citizen.
All in all, the experience was enlightening. I got to meet and have conversation with a fascinating diversity of students (although I did not approach any who were eating, deep in conversation, or on the phone) and to gather support for what I feel a worthy cause, or at least a fight against an unworthy cause. I hope I don't have want or occassion, after this tax falls through, to protest any other of Ravenstahl's proposals.
Wonder Boys
First, Tobey Maguire manages to pull off creepy really well. With bags under his eyes, fishbelly-white skin, and a strange intensity of look, Maguire makes me feel a little uncomfortable every time I look into the camera. I feel that's playing the role about how it should be played, though.
Michael Douglas, similarly, does a great pathetic. If I didn't recognize him (and campus) from my life thus far, I would have really mistaken him for somewhat pathetic. He seems a bit more lifelike than the Professor Tripp of the book, slightly less of a charicature.
The dead dog in the trunk and the tuba make a lot more sense when the character interactions are played out on the screen, however, and events that took away from the novel's credibility add to the frenzied humor of the movie.
Robert Downey, Junior plays Crabtree a bit differently than I'd pictured him well reading the novel, but it works.
Any movie will take liberties with a book's plot, and this movie is no exception, but the changes it made all felt necessary; the action and comedy wouldn't have been quite so fast-moving without changes here and there.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wonder Boys (Film)
From the first reference to Tripp's writing, I felt the tension that came with his writing of the second novel. The interraction between James and Grady in the car about James' talk with Crabtree shows Grady's sentiment that he is not the only person banking on this novel's success. Similar to the novel, we see how little things continue to pile up and weigh down on Grady- the unfinished novel, the dead dog, the stolen coat, his injured ankle, and his affair with Sara. The same way all these little things irritate the reader with every passing page, I was becoming more and more frustrated with his inability to solve any of these problems, and willingness to just let them pile up.
The characters are portrayed very accurately- Grady's passiveness is very clear, from his conversation with Sara to his struggles with the novel. Crabtree is far more interesting of a character in the movie than in the novel, maybe because I find Robert Downey Jr. very funny, and I struggled to picture a transvestite while reading (I'm not too familiar with them). I guess I struggled to fully understand Crabtree's sexual insecurities, and the movie made this clearer. James Leer's character is also very accurate- his "quirky" thought process is well portrayed, as well as his brilliance and utter stupidity.
Over the next hour+ of the film, I hope the storyline follows the novel as closely, while making some of the difficult scenes clearer. I am interested to see how the director references the dead dog and Grady's injured ankle among the main problems that arise. I am particularly looking forward to the conclusion, as to see the director's stance on why Grady took the fall- in reading I missed Grady tell James it was better for him to take the fall because he has tenure. I still think Grady took all the blame because he sympathized with Leer and wanted to make sure he did not follow down the same path; however, James becomes Crabtree's new way back to fame, so is he really helping? Hopefully the film helps me better understand the conclusion.
Unlike a normal book, there wasn't much of a follow-up to the climax of the story. IT peaked and then ended, with nothing in between. Perhaps, though, it's good that the book ended with so little action. I can't imagine ever reaching the end if Chabon kept a constant plot pace. If that were the case, the book would probably suffer from the same problems as Grady Tripp's own book.
Anyway, enough about just the book. Much to my surprise, the movie is extremely accurate. For a book with so much action, they did a very impressive job of keeping content in. I was unable to notice major differences in the plot, and just a few minor details (the gun was only supposed to fire one shot, if I remember correctly, and the first sentence of James' book was different in the movie). These are really trivial issues though, and don't change the quality of the movie in any way.
Whenever I watch a movie after I read the book, I find myself constantly waiting for the next sequence. In most movies, I'm disappointed when the sequence doesn't show, or differs entirely from how I remember it. The fact that I haven't experienced this yet is a testament to the accuracy of the movie. From Vernon Hardapple sitting on the car to the mention of the biography in James' book-bag, they seem to have kept a good sense of even minute details. I only hope the rest of the movie keeps with this pattern.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
a dubious ending, at best
I am very glad Walker made another appearance in the plot. I had seen enough of the midnight sickness, Grady’s life reflecting the book he’s writing. Though each individual mishap retained its appeal, this broader idea that Chabon seems to be pushing gets boring after a while. While Grady recognizes his doppelganger a few times, Vernon, as a character created by Grady is almost a doppelganger himself. Instead of the boring professional living in and becoming absorbed in his own work, his work starts coming to life around him. Within Chabon’s realistic world (forget the intolerable dog, tuba and snake) Walker becomes a very surrealist presence. Thankfully only one character from Grady’s mind comes to life and tries to kill him—this isn’t Jumanji-so the variation on the theme that he provides doesn’t devolve into cliché or an entirely different story.
The book should have ended on page 360—after Q’s line about Capra. The tuba shouldn’t be the last bit of luggage he’s carrying around. He never even opens the case. How does he know it’s a tuba and not bricks? And he didn’t even kill the tuba; in fact it was given to him. So while it could be a symbol of the wild things that happen to him through his friendship with Crabtree, that’s not as interesting as the dumb things, he does by himself. Sara should have never offered him a lift. I find it much more interesting with her future unresolved, especially when it is so hastily done. I absolutely hated the tense shift and epilogue feel of the last three pages. Finishing the book, dealing with the impossibility of most of it, was almost burdensome, and there was no reward in reading the happily ever after bit at the end. How are we supposed to believe that Grady gives up pot, alcohol, Hannah, and women in general just for a baby? What sort of paternal instinct could Grady possibly have been harboring that failed to stop him from falling in love with his female students and shamelessly corrupting his male students, but suddenly arises when he has a son? Walter made a pretty convincing argument for dismissing Grady, so how does being married to the dean outweigh his terrible history, letting him teach again? Though he was an alleged mess for a year, Grady gets his life back on track in the narrative space of a few sentences. Given this almost effortless change, aided by Chabon’s incredibly optimistic view of human nature, what is the point of the entire story when apparently it would be easy for him to transform into a decent person. His entire development seemed to suggest such a transformation was impossible.
The Ending To a Splendidly Hectic Novel: Wonder Boys
However, he even loses that:
“Crabtree, as it turned out, had managed to prevent exactly seven pages from blowing out of the car. They were all impressed with the watermark of his Vibram soles, or pebbled like the surface of a basketball with a relief of asphalt; part of one page had been torn away. Two thousand six hundred and four pages--seven years of my life!—abandoned in the alley behind Kravnik’s Sporting Goods, with a run down Ford and three quarters of a dead snake. I shuffled through the remains, numb, wondering, a busted shareholder in the aftermath of a crash, clutching the sheaf of ink and rag paper that only an hour ago before had been all my fortune”(324).
Now, this scene was difficult to read, visualizing the remnants of James’s life fly away, away. However, there is hope left! The lucky number seven: seven days in a week (seven days of creation) and the seven colors in the color spectrum (ROY G BIV) can all be seen as signs for an optimistic future. This story is a coming of a middle-age story. Who says professor are wise and still don’t need to go through life changing experiences??
Essentially, through this hilariously witty narrative, what Chabon wishes for readers to take from his book is that sometimes “life sucks.” However, he conveys that having dreamed and failed is a more admirable to “suck” have thrown in the towel when the "going gets tough." He therefore sets Grady as a tragic hero in every sense of the word. In the end, Grady is profoundly wise and can finally put the puzzles of his life together.
It is also funny to take note of Chabon’s complex male relationships, and the coming of age of middle-aged men, which the author interprets as the shrugging off of youthful expectations of oneself for the acceptance of adult responsibility and relationship. It is an interesting side note that Chabon, also doesn’t shy away from gay, bisexual or ambiguous characters, something May Sarton did not do in Faithful are the Wounds.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Realistic Exaggeration
If Wonder Boys were any normal plot-driven novel, it might have one major event. Perhaps the main character would kill a blind dog, or steal an expensive jacket, or have one night of drug-induced fervor. But I cannot remember reading a book that is essentially full of major events. I felt, almost always, the climax would be on the next page of the book. Of course, it never came, and that climactic feeling remained for that page, and the next, and the next..
Although I haven't yet seen the movie, I can picture it as a perfect Seth Rogen / Paul Rudd / Judd Apatow comedy. I see a resemblance with The Hangover, in which the characters are strung along in a completely improbable sequence of events -- robbing Mike Tyson of his tiger, marrying a stripper, being slipped "rufies" in their drunken haze. I realize that the movie most likely will not resemble The Hangover in any way, but I can hope for an eventual remake.
In the string of major events, I see a parallel to Grady Tripp's own book. From the descriptions in Wonder Boys, it seems to be full of whatever crazy idea pops into Grady's brain. However, while the fictional Wonder Boys suffers from this conglomeration of ideas, the real book does not. It left me wondering what would happen next simply because the events were so extraordinary. The faint glimpse of possibility of each event was what kept me reading, hoping that (for Grady's sake) things would settle down and resemble real life: slower, more manageable.
I think my favorite scene in the book is the traditional Jewish celebration with Emily's family. Something about a tired Jewish family dealing with the rambunctious younger generation makes for an interesting story. Irv and Irene were easily the most interesting characters in the book, and the easiest to get attached to. While I should probably be concerned with Grady's failing marriage, the real reason that it was so disappointing is that he'll lose his connection with her parents.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Grady as the typical novelist
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Managing Risk in our Global Society
dolla dolla bill y'all Check this s*it, yo!"
- Wu Tang Clan
I chose the quote because this lecture was about managing money, mainly how the United States has been unable to do so. I know almost nothing about money or the economy (I just have a couple bucks in my "secret stash"), so I hoped that this wouldn't be so far over my head that I couldn't learn anything...
The lecturer, a UPitt professor, argued that if the US can repair its economic health-care and educational core it may be able to sustain certain advantages in a globally competitive society. The speaker took an extremely strong stand against the current state of affairs, and given his evidence, it is hard to disagree. He believed that globalization has the potential to bring benefits to the developed and undeveloped world, but we must rework our current agenda for spending. He proposed re-investing into education and health-care, and creating a system that will someday be able to sustain itself. He was very critical of Americans for their lack of "economic literacy," our superfluous spending, and our inability to invest and save.
Before this lecture, I was aware the economy wasn't doing "too well." However, the speaker (probably a little biased and critical) shredded the US government for it's expense management policies, solution driven legislation, public education funding, and dependence on trading revenues. Currently, the G-20 makes up 80% of global wealth, the top 20% of Americans make up 84.7% of the nation's wealth, while the bottom 40% make up .2%. While more and more students are graduating from colleges, the gap between the graduates and non-graduates is becoming more and more insurmountable- tuition prices of both public and private universities were 3x more expensive than twenty years ago.These startling numbers show how drastic the differences are between the upper-middle classes and the lower class. I was aware of the huge class differences, but these statistics make it much more realistic.There is definitely potential for circles of poverty, as it is becoming increasingly difficult for the poor & uneducated to rise through the ranks. I don't think I'll ever fully understand this; I had the privilege of attending an independent high school and now a private university. No amount of empathy will allow us to understand the poverty of America's poorest members.
The lecturer was also extremely critical of the current health-care system. He listed several countries (US, Great Britain, Switzerland, and a few others), and pointed out that we spend significantly more per capita on health-care than these countries, but we still have the highest infant mortality rate of the group. Clearly, there are a significant number of changes that can be made to improve our nation.
I felt pretty bad about my uneducated, middle-class self by the end of this lecture. Well actually, I didn't even get to the end of the lecture. It was supposed to be an hour, and he had only begun to talk about healthcare at 90 minutes. So I never got to hear his resolution- he was far too busy pointing out the (many) flaws with our current system, who knows if he has any resolution (a few adults fell asleep- I can proudly say I did not!)
Aubrey's post
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wonder Boys 131 - 245
In the second assignment's reading, Grady does not only show how he views love and emotions to be ephemeral, but he also shows this through his words and lack of action. He doesn't place a gravity towards love. Similarly, he doesn't understand the severity or the weight of his words. This is shown when Sara and Grady both say "I hate you," but they are holding each other while saying this (154). When stating this, they both are expressing that they don't truly put worth or meaning behind their words. Grady tells Sara that he is going back to Kinship to meet Emily, and assures Sara that he will them Emily about them (157). However, his words are simply empty when he doesn't tell Emily about Sara. By doing so, it shows how Grady is simply about the words, and simply about satisfying problems instead of actually mending them. Grady just tells Sara he will tell Emily about them, yet doesn't. He just says this to provide comfort to Sara, almost a sense of security. However, he manages to even find ephemeral that won't last forever.
Grady is someone I would not want to marry. He is a man who not of his word. He says one thing, and doesn't even intend to do it. He simply says what he needs to say to only satisfy a problem. He doesn't do much other than provide words. He even says to Sara, " 'I want to be with you' ... I was not in the least certain whether I meant what I said, nor just what the implication of this statement might be..." (156). When he says this, Grady just proves my point. He doesn't take anything seriously: love, marriage, words. He only says words he believes are words that person might want to here at the moment. He views love to be ephemeral, feelings as well...and because of this he only provides ephemeral solutions. (I know I have been using this word a lot, maybe it's because I strongly believe it's a motif of some sort).
A novel about writing a novel
Monday, November 9, 2009
Is water the new oil?
She introduced her topic by saying how many private companies promise something great. Each private company promises cleaner water for poor countries, and an abundant supply of clean water for poor countries. However, it was really interesting to hear the backgrounds of the private companies she focused on. The London on Tap was among the one she focused on. This particular company had a history of colonization. Because of such a background, it's not a surprise how this company is run. This company supplies most of England, but uses force as its tactics. An interesting fact was the all private water companies also are involved with waste, railroads, and changing it's name from country to country to avoid bad press.
The reason why private firms are so popular, is because private firms are able to get away with things public companies aren't able to. Also, water isn't seen as a valuable resource. This is where the idea of oil comes into play. Many companies build big dams to obtain more water. Many companies also dig into the earth to gain more water. By doing so, companies are saying that there isn't an efficient amount of clean water supply left in this world. Because of this, water becomes a scarce good like oil. In Bolivia, there is military protection on its water supply. The private companies almost exploit the poverty of poor nations. Private companies promise one thing, but say another. They claim that poor countries aren't willing to take their [companies'] water unless the people of the poor countries pay for it. Many private companies get away with such exploitation by being vague in their responses, retorting "it's complicated" or by focusing on success stories. One success story worth mention is when there was a small dam made in India. The citizens of India were able to maintain it themselves, providing clean water. However, private companies usually build big dams that are harder to maintain - which often lead to contaminated water that lead to disease.
Private companies, believe it or not, have been in the U.S. It hasn't been successful. In Atlanta, there was a fiasco (contamination in the water). This also happened in Milwaukee. The U.S. is very resistant to private companies. One thing that cannot be denied (beyond the idea of private companies exploited different countries or just trying to gain a profit) is that our water supply is running out. In the U.S., most of our water goes to agriculture. A lot of water is used to maintain the growth of rice. Many people, don't understand the severity of the scarcity of water. One company that Professor Piper brought up, which was actually a 'good' company, was Everest Water. Everest Water uses the atmosphere to collect water, to create clean water for a family. By doing so, this eliminated the reliance of the limited water in the ground. The problem is, China has accused this company for stealing its clouds.
This issue of water being scarce is not one that just reflect private companies. It also is a question of politics. Professor Piper believes an alternative to this crisis is by having the World Bank offer loans to public companies, rather than private companies. The World Bank had done this before, and she believe the World Bank should continue this. Also, another option would be to build smaller dams that are more manageable. I learned that this idea of water being a scarce good didn't just stop there, it had to do with poor countries being exploited by companies that say are doing something for the good of those people, and it also had to the with the intervention of politics.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Lecture Series: The Journey of Lance Jones
Jones started off with a proclamation that his brain was "wired for music", that maybe all of our brains are. He made a reference to a book "This is your brain on music", which in the book it is stated that the human brain is hardwired to find meaning in music. He stated that at an early age he was consumed with music, he just couldn't get enough of it. I was the same way, so i completely related to him. He also mentioned that his grandmother had given him a book once called "Rock N Roll: The Devil's Diversion". A quote from the book was "Rock N Roll is a part of Satan's plan to achieve moral decay", this made me laugh. Another thing that Jones said was that in college he "forged friendships on how much they (people in general) knew musically". Although i'm not the snobby music elitist that i was, i have formed the best friendships with people that like the same music as me. Not only does music bridge a gap between us, it allows for a deeper connection. I have realized that a lot of my friends who have my same musical tastes also share a lot of my other believes. What Jones said made sense though and i don't think someone should go around asking for musical resumes but when you find someone who can connect with you in that way, its usually refreshing.
He told us about his "mentor", who was simply his friend's older brother whose name was Dave. After returning from Penn State, Jones went to work at Dave's record store called Exile off Main Street (based off the Rolling Stones album Exile on Main Street). This was around 1975 and Jones said "there was an incredible wealth of music hitting the record stores". He mentioned Queen, David Bowie, Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, etc. who were all producing music that people couldn't get enough of. After this through 1978-1980, Jones went to work for the WEA label, which stood for Warner, Elektra, and Atlantic records. In 1983, he managed to take a "musical side trip" where one of the highlighted events was when he visited Jim Morrison's grave site in Paris. Then in 1985 he went to work for the Civic Arena, essentially being an organizer for shows put on there. The Civic Arena was a big deal to Jones, who mentioned that both the Beatles and Elvis had played there. In fact, in 1988 Micheal Jackson's Bad Tour played there 3 nights in a row and Jones played a part in meeting with Jackson's manager to make the show happen.
Then Jones went on to work at the Star Lake Amphitheater, now called the Post-Gazette Pavilion where he is currently the general manager. He talked about the Steve Miller Phenomenon where there was once a show of 26,154 people and where 6,000 tickets were sold in a matter of 3 hours (mentioning that the crowd was around 18-22 years old). In 1992, Ozzy Osborne played and then the creation of Ozzfest formed. There were many reunion shows that took place there like Steely Dan in '93, The Eagles in '94, Rusted Roots in '95, Fleetwood Mac in '97, etc. Closer to the year 2000 was the boy band/girl power era. I like how Jones mentioned that he knew to wear earplugs when bands like Ozzy, Korn, and Metallica played, but he was not prepared for the sound of girls screaming over boy bands on stage (which he said is the most painful sound ever). Jones then talked shortly on the consolidation of the live music business, in which all the live music venues were owned under one company, which created the rise of ticket prices.
I realized during this point that Jones' life was really like traveling down the history of music. He took us through the times of when classic rock was loved, then metal, then country, then boy bands. He also made an important statement about how before bands would only tour when they had a new album to promote. Now however it is reversed, where bands make their money not from album sales but from touring. Jones noted that technology and the internet is changing the music business, he's not sure what the change is yet, but he said it's coming fast. He ended saying that music always "had a pull on me, has always been my glue", which couldn't have stated his passion for music any clearer. As a music lover i tend to be drawn to the more private venues and typically see the bigger venues as just a place for money sucking souls. Hearing Jones talk about his passion opened my eyes a bit as to why some people get into the music business and it's nice to know that not everyone is a "sellout". My ending statements on this lecture come from the music lover himself, "Work hard, be open to all possible opportunities, and attack your goals with passion."
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Similarities between Wonder Boys and This Side of Paradise
Wonder Boys
Tripp has been struggling with his book, Wonder Boys, for quite some time, and throughout his drunken and drugged escapades, we seem to catch a glimpse of the significance of this unfinished novel. Furthermore, Tripp himself seems… a bit trippy. He falls out of love just as quickly as he falls in love; he doesn’t know what he wants. In class, he left James Leer sulking in the back of the room, alone, but as the story goes on, we see that he cares for him. He doesn’t think of the consequences of his actions, and it takes him a long time to realize the painful truths of reality.
James is a troubled, lost character, who I feel sorry for, and I hope that as the plot unfolds, he discovers more about himself. The fact that he is so hung up on the lives of celebrities - and that he stole Monroe's coat - seems to show that he seeks refuge in significant dates and events in Hollywood, because they distract him for what's real - from himself. Crabtree, on the other hand, embodies, in my opinion, those people who do things for ‘novelty’ of doing it –– he seems only in on things for the thrill of adventure.
I’m curious to see how Tripp tells Sara that Doctor Dee was shot, how she’ll react, and what will happen to the baby. Tripp himself seemed a bit indifferent at the fact that Sara was pregnant, but I think that it just takes him a while to accept frightening news into his conscious mind.
The book also talks about the ‘midnight disease,’ that plagues writers with a kind of ‘emotional insomnia,’ where you would feel disconnected from the world and develop a sense of envy and distance from everyone else. Quickly though, he describes, you begin to crave that feeling of apartness, until “one black day you woke to discover that you yourself had become the chief object of your own hostile gaze” (76).
This reminds me of my English class last year, when we had a discussion where the proposition was brought up that the Humanities makes you more human; that reading, interpreting, analyzing, writing about universal truths, emotions and cognition, ultimately leads to you having a better grasp of your own mind and emotions. The ‘midnight disease,’ which Chabon describes as taking over writers and driving them to the brink of insanity, seems, at first glance, to illustrate otherwise. But maybe Chabon’s point is to show that writing has a significant effect on the intellectual and emotional aspects of the human mind; being a writer, as Chabon shows, does change the way you perceive the world.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Yoke 84- End
Nko is struggling emotionally because she feels reluctant to pursue a higher education if it means to stray Ete Kamba away from her. And at the same time she needs to get her degree in order to bring pride and accomplishment to her village and family. In a way Nko feels that she is in a Catch 22 because her choices are pursue a higher degree and earn a degree, or stay faithful to Ete Kamba and become the ordinary housewife. In this part of time Nko states that she wants the 'Double Yoke", meaning she wants the best of both worlds.
Professor Ikot plays a huge role in the novel. He is the key person that sucessfully destroys Nko's relationship with Ete Kamba, and at the same time, changes Ete Kamba's style of thinking toward's women. After taking advantage of Nko and taking her innocence, Ikot is savagely beaten up by Ete Kamba and his friends. In a way, Ete Kamba is doing justice and most readers would enjoy reading this part of the novel in that justice was served. But one must also have sympathy Nko, because she was forced to give up her innocence to a person that's in a position of power. One must look at the situation in another way because if Nko didn't give what the professor wanted, she could have easily been dismissed from school based on just her academic performance. It was tough reading this section because knowing how some students across the world are trapped and forced into doing unethical things in order to survive.
In the last parts of the novel the reader is taken back to the present with Ete Kamba and Prof. Bulewao. She calls him into her office to discuss his paper and asks him why he hasn't married Nko. At first Nko wildly refuses but Bulewao forces him to acknowledge the other side of the situation in that Nko was forced into losing her innocence and the lack of communication forced their relationship of the right track. By looking at it from a different angle, Ete Kamba realizes how wrong he has been on his ideals of women, and the author leaves the reader on a good not in that Ete Kamba leaves school to support his love during her darkest hours.
Double Yoke
Women face a double standard, and so do men. (However, I am less sympathetic towards the men!) On the last page of this book, Miss Bulewao states, "The community burden of going home with the person we care for to bury her dead, and yet the burden of individualism - that nowing that we are happier in somebody's comapny, however tainted...Women do have to make these decisions too you know" (163). What she means by this is this. (This is my interpretation of course). The fact that Ete went back to the home village of Nko, shows how he is willing to serve Nko. When I say serve I mean, Ete is willing to be with Nko because he knows she needs him. She needs him to be her strength and support. The fact that Ete did this, to help (or serve) Nko, he sheds the image of men always needing to be superior. Ete's double yoke is that he either becomes someone who needs to help someone else, or to be 'individualistic' and not serve. What I mean by this is that he could have chosen not to have been there for Nko. This would imply he doesn't truly care for Nko that he wouldn't shed his pride to be there for Nko. Both female and males have this double yoke, but I honestly can't sympathize for the men.
Double Yoke Pg. 84-163
I was not at all surprised that Emecheta chose to leave the ending up to the reader, as it allows the reader to use his own society to predict what Ete will do. What I mean by this is that Emecheta allows the reader's societal views and good nature to predict what they want. Most Western readers will interpret the ending as Ete accepting or at least open to a new role for women, but more traditional societies will follow their own cultural beliefs that Ete will accept the cultural "norm" for women in Africa. For myself Emecheta leaves hope at the end of the novel that their is hope for change in societies similar to Ete. The modern culture has a profound effect on Ete's life by allowing him to challenge the longstanding societal norms, and in a sense is already successful even if Ete reverts back under societal pressure. The challenging of the traditional structure leaves hope that there will be further challenges in the future from other people, implying that change might not happen immediately but is inevitable. However, Emecheta implies that there is still a long way to go before everyone accepts the right for women to be treated equally to men, and to proceed one step further than Ete definitively did in truly treating women as equals.
My Thoughts on Double Yoke
The difficult struggle between tradition and progress is a theme that is very prevalent in world literature. I liked Double Yoke, a story of the literal double yoke of pursuing a western education in conjunction with living and being raised in a traditional society with a specific gender hierarchy. I appreciated how it captured through one character’s eyes, an issue that affects a whole section of Nigerian society and has parallels to difficulties faced worldwide. Ete Kamba has a contradiction in his very identity. He has a deep respect for women who do not command respect. He respects women like his mother, who he expects to have no pride or vanity, and to live only to serve their man and the other men around them. He also appreciates intelligence and independence, as we saw on the first page with his excitement towards the work of the female professor. These conflicting feelings seem to be the bulk of the novels issue. We learn that the set up of the society may be such that he cannot reconcile the dilemma in a way that will make him happy.
One of Ete Kamba’s friends sheds light on the exact nature of Kamba’s issue. He tells Ete that his problem is he “wants a wife and a girl friend in the same woman” (128). Any woman strong an independent enough to sustain an emotional sexual relationship is a woman who is not virtuous enough to be a wife. This is a frustrating catch. As the reader I wished to scream at Kamba that he and the males of Nigeria in general need to update the nature of their relationships with women to fit a more liberal educated world. At the end of the novel Kamba is given advice by
Miss Bulewao. He has too move on. The issue of virginity is no longer important to him, and he needs to focus on “individualism – that of knowing we are happier in somebody’s company” (163). Kamba does not really want to listen. It is against his nature to take advice from a woman. That is part of his problem. It is ingrained in his heritage. I am sympathetic to his struggle. Changing your beliefs often means admitting to yourself you’ve been wrong, which isn’t easy. We are given a glimmer of hope at the end of the novel. Perhaps Kamba will be able to change, and after everything that has happened between them, the relationship will succeed.